A Night with Philippe Karsenty
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Library and Archives Canada Main Auditorium
7:00 PM
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Library and Archives Canada Main Auditorium
7:00 PM
Following Mr. Karsenty’s reporting that France 2, a French television network, had broadcast staged footage of the alleged killing, Mr. Karsenty was sued for libel by the network. He succeeded in having a lower court judgment overturned by the Paris Court of Appeal in May 2008.
Karsenty was born in France. When he was 26, he set up a share-trading company on the Paris Bourse and continued to work as a broker until 1997. In 1996, he set up a business consultancy, and in 2002, ran for Parliament on a center-right ticket, losing to Nicolas Sarkozy. In 2008, he was elected Deputy Mayor of Neuilly.
Please join us for this M. Karsenty’s incredible presentation. Q&A session will follow his presentation, and then please join us for a reception outside the main auditorium.
(Reposted from http://www.freethinkingfilmfest.ca/)