Sunday, October 31, 2010

An Night with Phillipe Karsenty

A Night with Philippe Karsenty
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Library and Archives Canada 
Main Auditorium
7:00 PM
Philippe KarsentyPhilippe Karsenty, internationally known media analyst and founder of Media-Ratings, a media watchdog which monitors the media in France and who exposed the false allegations that Israeli soldiers killed a 12-year old Palestinian, Mohammed al-Dura during a gun battle in Gaza in 2000.

Following Mr. Karsenty’s reporting that France 2, a French television network, had broadcast staged footage of the alleged killing, Mr. Karsenty was sued for libel by the network. He succeeded in having a lower court judgment overturned by the Paris Court of Appeal in May 2008.

Karsenty was born in France. When he was 26, he set up a share-trading company on the Paris Bourse and continued to work as a broker until 1997.  In 1996, he set up a business consultancy, and in 2002, ran for Parliament on a center-right ticket, losing to Nicolas Sarkozy. In 2008, he was elected Deputy Mayor of Neuilly.

Please join us for this M. Karsenty’s incredible presentation. Q&A session will follow his presentation, and then please join us for a reception outside the main auditorium.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Special Lecture from 'Engage' Founder David Hirsh

Engage was created to arm people with arguments and facts that they could use to counter the propaganda of the boycott campaign within the British Association of University Teachers. Engage grew from a being a resource for that particular campaign into being a resource that aims to help people counter the boycott Israel campaign in general, as well as the the assumptions and misrepresentations that lie behind it.

David Hirsh, the founder, will be giving the Israel Affairs Committee an exclusive look at the trends and patterns in the BDS movement, as well as teaching some of his best tools to respond. 

Please email if you are interested in attending.

This exclusive session is sponsored by the CIJA University Outreach Committee and is a part of the Israel Awareness Committee's Israel Awareness Month.

Israeli-Palestinan Relations: What's Next? with Asaf Romirowsky

Asaf Romirowsky

Middle East analyst Asaf Romirowsky will be discussing the future of Israeli-Palestinian relations, with a focus on the contrast between the bilateral and unilateral actions taken by each side to achieve the ever elusive dream: peace.

Location: Carleton U, Southam Hall (SA) 515
Date: Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010
Time: 6pm
Cost: Free to students, faculty and community members

A part of the Israel Awareness Committee's Israel Awareness Month

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ottawa IAC Does Movember

November is Israel Awareness Month, but it's also "Movember!" 

The 'Stache of David    

Movember is an annual month-long event that raises money for prostate cancer research and spreads awareness about men's health issues. The "Mo" in Movember is for moustache, which we all grow for the duration of November.

Can't grow a moustache? Doesn't matter! You can sign up and join your teammates in raising money for Prostate Cancer Canada.

While this campaign hasn't made it to Israel, Israel has made great contributions to the fight against cancer. Israel is a world-renowned technological innovator, and this is especially true in the development of cancer-fighting technologies and pharmaceuticals. The Israel Cancer Research Fund is one example thereof, and throughout the month, we'll be highlighting Israeli organizations and innovations making the difference in the fight against cancer.

Click HERE to register to be a part of our team or to donate to IAC's team, "Stache of David." Once you've done that, join the facebook group here.

Israel in the Media with Neil Lazarus at U of O

A part of the Israel Awareness Committee's Israel Awareness Month.

Israel in the Media with Neil Lazarus at Carleton

A part of the Ottawa Israel Awareness Committee's Israel Awareness Month.


Israel Awareness Month is almost here, and more details will be posted soon!